MyExamCloud AI FAQs
What types of tests does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator offer?
MyExamCloud AI Test Generator offers Practice Tests, Study Notes and Flashcards. Video Courses are not available in the current version.
What types of tests does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator offer?
MyExamCloud AI Test Generator offers Practice Tests, Study Notes and Flashcards. Video Courses are not available in the current version.
Does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator create courses for multiple subjects?
Yes, it can generate Practice Tests, Study Notes, Program Code and Flashcards from any subject starting from kid's IQ level to Phd level.
Does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator create courses for multiple languages?
No, the current version accepts only English contents. We have plans to add multi-language contents in the near future.
Does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator create questions with images?
No, the current version only generates text questions. However, we have plans to add images to the content in the near future.
Does MyExamCloud AI generate video courses?
The current version does not have this feature. We are working on this feature and it may be available in future versions.
How does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator create tests?
You just enter your subject name and MyExamCloud AI will do the rest. It creates topics and questions for your subject.
How long does it take to generate a test with MyExamCloud AI Test Generator?
It depends on the AI process queue count. Usually, it takes some minutes or hours.
How can I access MyExamCloud AI Test Generator?
You can download MyExamCloud app from Apple's App Store or Google's Play Store. You can also use any web browser to access MyExamCloud AI. Open the app and click Test Generator (AI) menu.
How much does MyExamCloud AI Test Generator cost?
We offer flexible pricing options suitable for Students, Teachers, Professionals, Scientists, etc. Prices start from just 19.95 USD per year. You can also share your courses to your group members for free of access.
Check the pricing page -
Are MyExamCloud AI Test Generator tests automatically graded?
Yes, it has a nice learning dashboard with Plan Practice Achieve methodology components to grade and track your training progress.
I am a school student, will it generate courses for my study?
Yes, you can generate courses from your subjects and practice for your study. It will definitely improve your exam preparation.
I am a college student, will it generate courses for my study?
Yes, you can generate courses from your subjects and practice for your study. It will definitely improve your exam preparation.
I am a fresher, will it generate courses for my career?
Yes, you can utilize coding practice courses, interview preparation questions, reading new skills, preparing for your IT certification, etc.
I am a working professional, will it generate courses for my career?
Yes, you can utilize coding practice courses, interview preparation questions, reading new skills, preparing for your IT certification, etc.
I am a teacher, how can I use MyExamCloud AI?
You just add your students to your group and start generating courses. Your students can take practice tests, study notes, and flashcards. You can access your group reports and track them. You can generate personalized learning Study Plan plans for your students.
How many MyExamCloud AI requests can I make per day?
Currently there are no limitations. However, if there is an increase in load there will be some restrictions per day.